Saturday, February 03, 2007

Female team curse no more

OMG SO AWESOME! I know I'm kinda late, but yeah. I loved the win! The first female team to win ANY edition of The Amazing Race came from Malaysia. And an all female-team won in the first season. So, CONGRATS JOEJER AND ZABRINA! I'm really high just thinking about the win. Season was good. Good job AXN! Loved the casting choices.

Ernie & Jeena - Liked their daredevil-ness.
Aubrey & Jacqueline - Different to see girls who made up a lot race.
Sahil & Prashant - Added interesting accents.
Sharon & Melody - Local team from here, fun to see how far they could go.
Howard & Sahran - Entertainment value with the breakdowns.
Andy & Laura - Asian Romber! Totally liked the flavour they added to the mix.
Marsio & Mardy - I'm so tired of you guys! Granted, AXN could've edited them better. But still, I don't like them.
Andrew & Syeon - A bit plain but good racers nonetheless.
Sandy & Francesca - Nice accents too, these expats. Coming from behind, they made good racers.
JOEJER & ZABRINA - Totally love the two underdogs. Placings in each leg were freaky (4th, 5th, 6th, 3rd, 3rd, 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd 1st). Fantastic win!

Can't get over the fact that JJZ won. Awesome, awesome, awesome. They now each have, what? RM150,000+? Sheesh! Love TARA.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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