Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Internship - The industrail attachment programme

Its become too important to ignore any more. It just a few weeks I won't be going to school anymore, it'll be going to work. Not too sure how that will go down. Tomorrow brings us one step closer to that. Actually its today, depending how you look at it. I was all okay with it telling others how the postings will be okay and it will be fun. That is, till I saw someone's blog and I thought of something else. I dunno, its suddenly kind of scary to think you'll be working. You have no idea what the company expects of you or what hours you will have to work and how much time you'd have to do the things you want to do. I'll admit it, I'm a tad scared of what lies ahead. Tomorrow, during the briefing and postings revelation, I suppose we shall see. I just hope that I get a good company which I can learn from that allows me to have some time to myself. I doubt that they'd push us in slowly. Events companies are desperate for people (I wonder why) and they need manpower.

I think its likely that we'd be on the front line, manning booths, running around doing setting up or waiting on people do help them get seated. Make coffee for anyone, wash the dishes, mop the floor? I don't think so. You've heard stories of how interns have to do that when they go for their attachment, but I don't think the events companies would do that. Unless I'm sorely mistaken. But I think what's open is to go in to the company with a good attitude, just be yourself, learn what you can, make the mistakes that you will make, admit to making the mistakes and take whatever "feedback" you get with an open mind. Okay, so here's to tomorrows announcement of our postings to our companies. =/

Lord help me. No social life for 3 months I foresee.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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