Sunday, June 05, 2005

Passing the day by

song of today: i can only imagine [Mercy Me]

yep, didn't get to see May-chan yesterday. oh well... i wonder where she was. lol. yep, i called L in sydney yesterday and spoke to her awhile. sigh. kinda sucks at the moment. but what can i do right? i mean, like, what can i do about being barred and stuff. oh well....

what's amazing though, after going to YAS, i always manage to come out feeling, uh, at peace. yeah. its awesome. well, going to a picnic with mom and dad (hey you! can't have any excuse to say i don't spend time with ya!)....

tomorrow we'll be starting tutorials proper in school. first lesson is creative communication with crazy chng. lol. crazy but, uhm, entertaining la (forgive the local lingo). uh, guess that's the update for now. goodness, today hasn't even nearly begun. sigh....

to Dak and Dame: heyo, yer in my thoughts okay? will keep ya in mind. ;) smile.


Blogger wild orchid said...

Aww Jono. I don't have time to PM you just yet... But I'm sorry to hear about all these developments. It sucks but I guess if you have faith, things will work themselves out. Take it easy aight? Talk to ya soon. Hugs.

10:48 PM  
Blogger survivorfreak said...

yo cuz, yeah, i will have faith for sure. ;) thanks for the support. :) yeah, you'll be back soon.

8:36 AM  

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