Thursday, January 19, 2006

An update! Its an update!

Ah well, busy week this.

Tue: NW test 2
Wed: IPRA field work visit to Golin Harris
Thu: Briefing with Doris for open house duty
Fri: Passport extension at the ICA
Sat: Open house duty

Busy, busy, busy.

I feel like I am on The Apprentice. And the "boss"? Claire Ng! Eck! Why you may ask... Well, for this new assignment, we're in two groups. Each has an editor and the rest are reporters. Editors are responsible for divving up the group and assigning them things to cover and news angles and editing all the articles. Well... You can say the editor's role is like that of a Project Manager eh? I feel like that... Yeah, she assigned me for editor. Thanks. Ah well, cheer, don't groan. Positive not negative. Don't complain. Opportunities.

Doris said that for the studio management there were As, there were Bs and Cs. I hope I'm an A but I can't say for sure. Then there's IDEA. Overall grade? C. I don't want a C!!! Yikes! That's gonna pull my GPA down. I don't need to worry bout NW, I need to worry bout bloody IDEA! Lets go strangle OK.

Speaking of strangling... I've been uber pissed off by a certain mosquito this week. UBER! I'm at the breaking point, someone help me. I dunno what I should do. Its not nice to be upfront and blunt and that's not my style. Neither is it nice to be subtle and cunning but that IS my style. Conflicts... Oh well......... What IS new? Anyway, oh shucks! Debate! Yeah, there's gonna be a debate during class for IVP on the voting age in Singapore being 18. I'm on opposition. Great.

I like the opportunity but how DO you argue against the age being 18? I suppose I can ask around. Ask around. Where do I have time to "ask around"? Econs test is coming up and I dunno if I can do well in this one. Shucks. Did I get a B or C previous round? Eh? I can't remember. Nevertheless, need to buck up. There's so much to remember for the final exam. Sigh.

Well, conclusion, this is a busy week.

Shout Outs:
Dak: How ya doin? Hope yer doin okay.
Dame: Hmmm, yer life is full of interesting stuff I gotta say.
Fano: Big thanks mom2.
L: Good luck, tour guide apprentice!

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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