Thursday, March 15, 2007

Working World

Where oh where do I start? I have no idea... Anyway, work's been busy. How many days have I worked now straight out? About 3 weeks straight? Will be working the weekend again this week. Fidah is on 2 days leave just in the middle of everything (she scared we'd all hound her or what? lol). But nevermind, work with what you have eh?

I really cannot decide what I want to do with my life. Aunty Jeanette has another project coming in. I'd love to work on it but school gets in the way. *SIGH* I've figured that I kinda like this job since it kinda fits my style. I don't really relax much, I work constantly and I like things to be on the go. Mehh... My brain's a mess now so I'm not gonna say much really.......

Dear Bro,
Its your birthday. Remembering ya..


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


Blogger chicka with a difference said...

Hey amn your gotta relax, all work and no play ain't fun...

Why do you work so much?

10:48 AM  
Blogger survivorfreak said...

Haha, well. I'm helping my aunt and deadline's fast approaching so there's no choice. Its either sink or swim in this case. And if you don't do a good job, you earn a bad reputation in addition to little cash. ;)

But yeah, in terms of personality, I seem to like things to be on the go and busy a lot of the time. If I have too much free time, I don't know what to do with myself.

12:58 AM  

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