Thursday, May 24, 2007

Episode 3: Camwhores on Singapore Beauty set

Edit: New Pictures added

That's the set and Mr. Farid on screen. He wanted to be on...

Doing the set up. Don't the candles look nice?

Doing the soon to be famous zoom, track and oan shot. Farid agrees with me that he wants to be famous.

Our two production ladies settling things on the above mentioned shot.

The set with Mr. Lee, Mrs. Lee and June Lee ready to bring it on.

Mr. Lee and June Lee laughing over the Chee Kok part probably. And you can see the camera in the shot too.

Dione's dad cooked spaghetti for the shoot. It was nice - really! And he makes his own sauce. Like, wow.

This is preparing for one of the shots. As you can see, we improvised with what we had, using a trolly to track and dolly. Dione is explaining to Jessica the shot and Arisya is just stayin' cool down by the table while Farid checks the shot for framing. Everyone looks busy.

He wanted a picture of him pouring. I did get it, only without his face. So now I owe him some screencaps which I have yet to do. I'll get around to it soon.

This was the "The bus is stopping" look. Kinda comedic eh? One surprised, one apprehensive and one shocked. You guess which is which.

Arisya and I at Simpang. Farid wanted us to look like a couple....... =_=" That was SO NOT happening.

Dione and Farid (I think I look like a celeb here) at Simpang for dinner.

I like this picture. I have no idea why. Maybe cause it looks so casual, un-posed-in. Lol. The word escapes my mind at the moment. Bah. You get what I mean, the opposite of formal.

Anyway, good try Mr. Loh. But I still could recognise the script from American Beauty whether the names were changed or not. And no, Arisya, its not from the dinner scene with the plates being thrown. I checked that one out. Watch the second part of the clip:

Dear Nan,
I wonder how you're doing. Its almost a year now. What a long time it seems. I think I last saw you a year ago. Wow, that's longer than I can remember. But yes, I do miss you and hope that yer good.


Dear bro,
Its been so long since I last talked to you. Over a year I'm sure. Sigh. Your presence is missed greatly.



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