Thursday, October 11, 2007


Internship posting turned out to SO be not what I expected. Maybe I'm just being a diva and making too big a deal out of nothing. So screw me. Maybe I just need time to say, okay, this is what you've got - deal with it. Y'know sometimes you just feel lousy about yourself, guess this is another one of those times. You just gotta get up, move on and continue walking. Most probably away from it.

Anyway, something to be happy about. The 5 Of Us had a baking session today. We baked brownies, not too bad I'd say. Could do a little better perhaps. And had lunch and watched Moulin Rouge. Fantastic show. Enjoyed the day for that part pretty much. The brownie's mostly gone by now, just a little left in the fridge.

Have you ever wondered how cyclical things can be? Take a look at technology. Let's ask this question, is technology really for the good of mankind or is it just for the good of its inventors (who pocket the earnings)? Let's look at mobile phones in particular. A model with 3.2 megapixel camera comes out. Then comes the 5 megapixel camera model less than a year later. Then a video phone, phone with this function, that function. Never ending. And since things are constantly being upgraded, if you don't keep up you lose out. How? Depreciation. What a 3.2 megapixel camera phone was once worth is higher than what it is worth now thanks to the arrival of the 5 megapixel camera phone. The longer you keep it, the lesser value it holds. And so repeats the cycle. Before you know it, a phone with more features comes out into the market and the value of the set you own currently goes down again.

And how about education? You start of slow, progress to increasingly difficult levels. And the further you go, the more you have to cope with. Gotta leave time for this project, that assignment, study group, mid-term, and whatever rubbish that is thrown at you. You get a break here, then go back for another term of bashing you with loads of assignments, projects, mid-terms, what-have-yous. Come out of education, work till you're dead. You take a break, feel refreshed. Return to the mundane job. You need a break again. The world is a cycle. And it seems as though it is progressing towards a cycle of mundanity, depression and destruction.

Do you seriously need technology to do everything for you? It may be more efficient, sure, but it lacks personality. It lacks emotion. One day, technology is going to overtake mankind. Be way too advanced for the commoner to understand. Only the elite inventors will understand it..

Obviously, I'm ranting which shows I'm not in that great a mood. But I think that the worst is over for now. On to happy thoughts of the night, also known as dreams.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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