Monday, August 01, 2005

Sunny Sunday

Song of today: Stuck [Stacie Orrico]

Aight! Today was a “real” Sunday – a day of rest finally! And generally a happy day too. Yep. It’s been a good day. I managed to get my CD report done, thank goodness. There’s nothing much to write about really… It was kind of a pain to drag the thing for three pages. At least it’s done with and over. Just need to print it from the PC later on.

Can’t wait to watch the Apprentice later on. Today’s episode is the coffee one where the street smarts win. They go along with the theme of choice – hot coffee or cold coffee. I don’t really like this season’s cast though, there’s something about them, like too bitchy of something. It’s as though they can’t work together or just aren’t motivated. I preferred the previous two season’s cast, with the second season being my favourite although the US didn’t exactly like them. It was people like Ivana, John, Sandy, Kelly, the Jens, that made the show.

Meanwhile, in Apprentice Ghim Moh, things have been pretty cool. If you haven’t read it, you should. Its funky funny, lol. Other than that, my face has cleared up considerably. Thank goodness! Now I’m only left with those pesky pimples on my nose, but they’re going down too.

Okay, one month to Guatemala! Yeehaw! I shall know rattle on, on what I liked and disliked about each of the previous seasons.

Borneo – The original form, 16 castaways, 39 days, 1 island, 1 survivor. No tribe swaps, no outcast twist, no twisting of any form. Just plain and simple. Uncontaminated you may say. I really want to watch this season again (I did watch a few episodes).

Australian Outback – The most watched season I guess, since Survivor was relatively new at that time and was catching on in popularity. It was nice to have 42 days, but for a 16 castaway season, unnecessary. I really think that Colby should have won this season but instead, it went to Tina.

Africa – The setting was superb, who would imagine surviving in the savannah? But maybe this cast wasn’t as great as the Australian one, but still, definitely a good season with lots of different personalities. You got Big Tom whom you couldn’t understand a word from, Lex with his many tattoos, Ethan the Jewish footballer… You should see the drunk Tom, lol!

Marquesas – Didn’t follow this season through, but I think on hindsight I should’ve watched it. True, the first part was sorta boring (to me then), but come one! It had Kathy Vavrick O Brien in it and you missed most of the season. I still remember Sarah and Rob on the raft. Gosh, Sarah was like Cleopatra sitting on the queen’s chariot or something.

Thailand – Nothing much to say about this season, it was the worst thus far. Even Palau’s lopsided tribal victories can’t beat this one. But the characters were, I guess, interesting. If I’m not wrong, Robb was the first skater dude casted, Shii Ann, the “Shii Devil” was the first Asian. Okay, no need to talk about Jan/Helen’s madness about burying Oscar or the chicken killing thingy. That was crazy. Brian was definitely a good player and I expected him to win even from the few episodes that I watched.

The Amazon – This season started off with a great twist, men versus women. It worked I guess, the cast was still diverse, not like that of Palau of which half were models. Jenna did NOT deserve to win, Matthew did. I don’t know what happened to that jury. I should watch The Amazon again (like all other seasons).

Pearl Islands – This was one of the best seasons ever in Survivor history. I loved the twist that the castaways would only survive with the clothes on their backs. Nothing else and then having Rupert steal Morgan’s (tribe name) shoes. Hahaha! Pirating fit in well with the theme of the season. And the winning tribe being able to loot the other tribe. That was so ingenious! I didn’t like the outcast twist though, very UNETHICAL if you ask me. Went against survivor’s rules of “Once your fire’s out, so are you”. UNFAIR!

All Stars – The first to have 18 castaways instead of 16. And instead of 2 pre-merge tribes, 3. I liked the format, but wish that they’d make it a 42 day season. That would be nicer. It started off well, but grew a bit dull towards the centre on. Casting this time round should have been way easier, it was just about getting people to come back and play the game a second time. Shii Ann was more likeable this time round. Jerri, was Jerri… Amber just rode Rob’s coat tails.

Vanuatu – This season was great, cast was still diverse. Eliza, Ami, Rory, Scout, Twila, Mia, Chad… Also, this season ranks high for me for another reason (I shan’t elaborate on this for sometime). Ami was by far a great player, and the women’s alliance was something new. It worked pretty well, that is, till they decided to keep Chris in and turn on themselves. There were many game dynamics that kept the season interesting, never a dull moment.

Palau – The season that casted models. 20 castaways with 2 not being given a chance to play the game proper. Sure you could call the immunity necklace race a challenge already, but that wasn’t a proper start to the game. What I define as proper would be to spilt into tribes, the usual survivor style. Then, there came the Ulonging, where they just lost every single immunity challenge they played. And later on the Kororing where the tribe had to cannibalise themselves. Made for pretty boring TV if you asked me, I grew tired of seeing Ulong at every pre-merge tribal council. Then, no merge at all. What the heck? This season ranks a bit lower for me. Guatemala, please don’t make the same mistake by having all models with looks and no substance. Oh, and not forgetting Janu quitting which was just irritating and horrible. She should have quit much earlier.

Now, time to look forward to the cast reveal! Oh and tomorrow we’re getting that new tutor who’s replacing the Suan. Can’t believe my holiday’s up, but neither can I believe that two months ago I started tertiary education. I’m growing up fast eh? Okay, academically, lol!

Like OMG! I got Incomplete by BSB on my com finally! That song so reminds me of you cause I know you like it (so do I). Another one is “Somewhere Out There”. Oh man, I am SO thinking of ya right now listening to Incomplete. =))

Shout outs:
L: Go nail those exams! I believe you can. Yer smart cuz, so go get them marks! =))
Dak: Yo! Great to see you back on USG! Things are gonna pick up speed now yer back. Guatemala spoiling, here we come!
Dame: Hey, yer busy eh? Take time to relax too k? Don’t overwork yerself.
Fano: Thanks for everything Fano. Was good to talk to you then.
Antonius: Hey, thanks for sending Incomplete over. Although the thumb drive was giving me problems, I burned it to a CD and now got it on the laptop too. Thanks so much man, I owe ya!


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