Friday, January 27, 2006

The life of a DMC student

Whoa. What a day. Sigh... Tiring. Oh, oh, Happy Chinese New Year. Haha, listening to crazy frog's popcorn now. Its a bunch of nonsense. "Buck buck, chicky chicky, chuck chuck, choo!" Lol. Ok, so where do I start?

NW. Yeah, finished my article. Received a few others. Need to start the editing process now. So far, I've covered Zhao Jie's, Dione's, Mei Ling's and Shaun's. Those were the ones I have received so far. Dear ZhiLi, Weijie, Xin Le, Kay Miang and Kamesh, I hope that I receive your articles soon, so I can use the CNY break/weekend to edit the scripts. Yeah? Photos will be up soon. I'll get back to you guys on it then.

FUNE. Hmmm.... Well, tutorial went okay. Not bad I'd say. Haha. Nothing much happened here. Only got 67 for econs. Need to study more... Arggh.

After school, went to eat lunch at foodcourt 3. Then went to the Guild House with Carol and Mesh. Played pool, edited a few articles and played that music arcade game thingy. Then had to meet Gajan, Nad and Arisya (Narisya and the Compere) for DVPA filming and loaning of equipment.

1) Had to wait till about 4 to get the camera's battery.
2) Waited 45 minutes for a cab
3) Sun gun refused to work. Used a lamp instead which broke. Glass was everywhere.

Lol. How could so many things go wrong eh? Lol. Ah well, pleased at the shots we got and the acting. Personally, as cameraman, I'm not satisfied with our indoor shots. If given the opportunity, I would've liked to retake them. And then took the train back with Gajan. Reached home at 10.30-ish, just in time to see the last challenge on "Battle of the Network Reality Stars". Cool eh? Now I need to type out lots of stuff. A few articles which were not double-spaced in paragraphing, the notes from the PR firm visit. Oh, and the shot logging we did today. All before tomorrow so some of the stuff can be printed. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... The life of a DMC student eh? ;)

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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