Tuesday, January 24, 2006


School is such a drag today. Haiz. Waiting for the last half-hour of the two-hour break to be up so we can go for lecture. Today is a rather funny day. Weird. Uneventful in comparisson to yesterday. Yesterday felt so productive. Why? Class attendance.

0900-1100 Innovation, Design and Entrepreneurship in Action
1200-1400 Digital Video Production & Application
1600-1700 Introduction to Public Relations & Advertising (Lecture)

Class strength: 18
Current strength: 8
See what I mean? Where were the other 10? In bed? At home? In town? We spent about an hour doing admin stuff. And the remainder just passing time.

Class strength: 18
Current strength: 11
Not much better. At least we had a practical lesson, doing iMovie. It was fun. Had another movie published. Another software to add to the list proficient at. Lesson was cool.

IPRA (Lecture).
Class strength: 18
Possible strength: 4
Dismal attendance. Can't blame the class for skipping snoozefest. But still, at least get yer darn attendance people. I dunno. I am not to judge. I go, I get my attendance for the lesson. My gain. Let's leave it at that. Nothing more, nothing beyond.

So, what about the IDEA project? Seeing that I was the sole group member present, there's nothing much I can do alone right? I mean without the others free riding. One's away overseas, another goodness knows where and a third who came for DVPA but decided to hang out with the cool dudes in town after, skipping lecture.

And we're supposed to do our filming tomorrow. I understand that one is sick and her voice sounded horrible. Refer to the third team member for my IDEA group. And another, goodness knows where too! Then there's another with a medical condition. We haven't seen him for weeks, so, excused. And with team members going to hang out, chill out, what ya have it in town, who's to come up with the shot list before filming? Its essential, unlike IDEA, this module carries 4 credits. That's gonna affect our GPA if we don't do well. Pulling it down like we don't already have modules that we're weak in. gah, I think I'm too irritated at the moment. Update when I get home. Sorry.

Shout Outs:
SHP, YT: Je t'aime beaucoup.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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