Friday, March 24, 2006

Thanks a lot guys

Everyday is a day we learn something new...

Thanks to all those who have believed in me and in my capabilities. *hugs to all* CB, BH, Fano, Smack, Abc, Llano... Thanks guys. To my mom and dad, most probably the most under rated supporters of mine. And my entire netwrok of friends and of course, my extended family. thank you all for believing in me. =))

I mean, I got into the SDFTV. Too excited for words. that's the specialist diploma in digital film and television. Congrats to Arisya and Dione too!

yessie, well done on getting into yer diploma's honour roll.

Well, about learning, yeah. I've learnt some stuff today and that I can be stronger than I am if I put my mind to it. Special thanks to a few special people. =)) You know who you are... SHP, YT eh?

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


Blogger amari said...

wee~ Thanks for the congrats ^_^ very happy to get it.the cafe will excel! =D

1:49 PM  

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