Monday, March 20, 2006

I Hate

Okay, about stuff I hate...

I hate eating rice
I hate feeling hungry at midnight and then snacking
I hate getting Ds and Cs
I hate having no holidays
I hate Asian "diets"
I hate feeling, knowing and looking big
I hate not being taller
I hate not being more active
I hate a lot of things and what do I do about them? Nothing. Might as well hate myself eh?


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


Blogger amari said...

o..oi..*waves a white fan* relax man..that's why i said..
- stop skipping school and
- it's ok to snack once in a while [strikethrough]i did =w=[strikethrough] and know this:
- you do get thinner each time i see you dude..
- you can still get taller before you're 20! milk is the key
and most of all:
- dont start hating yourself!!gaah
be more optimistic~~ *nods* yes.or
am going to order you to do so >D

>> Yaz supports ya all the way. <<

6:30 PM  
Blogger survivorfreak said...

hahah, true. And for your info, I don't skip that much of school!!! I probably have one of the best attendace records in my class yo. haha, my bro is going to be taller than me I think. He's gopt long legs, lol. Naw, I think I just needed to get everything out. Heh. I don't hate myself and neither do I mind some of those suff, lol.

10:29 PM  

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