Monday, March 13, 2006

How I lost my phone

Okay, so we just got back from KL and I'm already in the office, like, an hour later. Anyway, L and David, I had a great day yesterday. Thanks for all the fun guys, love ya both man. Heheh. Vin, Yin and Ting, was good to see you guys too, haha. It was fun going to the "mamak" shop eh?

Okay, so yesterday was the only day that I could really enjoy stuff. Aunty Audrey dropped us off at MidValley and L had to buy a present for Aunty Bibi (sp?). After following her round, we ate at Rasa Ayamas. Frederick and I shared the steak set. Heh.

And on to bowling. I drank beer for the first time. Haha! Bowling was fun, but I ain't great at it. I ain't great at much stuff for the record... Loser... And yeah. MV's bowling alley was great. After walking around awhile, we headed off to Times Square.

There, Dave, Fred and I went to Cosmo world while L went to Border's book store. Haha. Here's how I lost my phone. We went for this ride, Space Attack which was two verticle arms which have horizontal seats at the bottom. Its a floorless ride and you sit in these seats with harnesses. And the arms revolve 360 degrees.

So yeah, while we were coming down one side, I saw something drop from the ride. I didn't think much about it till I thought the colour looked vaguely like my handphone (mobile, cell, what-you-may-call-it). And true enough, after checking after the ride, I was handphone-less. The outer screen (the one on the cover) had smashed. Most of the cover had broken so I threw that away. The keypad was still okay, but the battery was lost.

Thank goodness I still had the SIM card though (the card you need for your line). Probably very silly of me, but dad's going to buy me a new model. Oh yeah! Haha. It was a fun ride though. And thanks to Frederick too, who lent me his Sony Ericsson W500i today. =))

SHout Outs:
SHP, YT: Le bébé, son a été un instant eh ? Je manque les lots de ya. Je souhaite que nous pourrions avoir un jour ensemble, parler et bourrer. Soupir. Je ne sais pas bien que. Je sais yer prolly au camp de yer et à prolly apprécie yerself. Juste ya de souhait pourrait me rentrer un jour. Je vous aime beaucoup, j'aurai raison ici vous attend. Le millier embrasse à ya, mon dearest. Voir ya un jour alors.
Dame: Busy? Haha, just got back today and I have quite a bit of stuff to do. Heh...
L: Thanks a lot for the day out.
Dave: Yo, thanks for going to TS and CW with us. It was fun, sorry I didn't have the guts for Super Sonic Odyssey (sp?).
Nana: It was good to see you Nan. Stay strong, eat well and drink lots of water. Good that Aunty Dot is down to help you. =))


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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