Tuesday, March 07, 2006

34 degrees celcius

Its warm here. Take my word for it. The weather has been hitting 34 deg C I've heard. Air conditioning is the norm. For me, air con on 16 or 17 deg and fan on power three. Its hot. I'm sweating sitting in front of the computer.

Anyway, today I met up with Yong Hui. He's going to SP too. So, yeah, it was fun. Meeting up and talking about GM, its teachers and stuff like that. Heh.

A very Happy Birthday to cousin Cheryl and Aunty Divina. =))

I feel good about work today. I managed to fix the net problem, no doubt to a huge amount of help from james. Thanks dude! Well, I kinda forgot what I wanted to say originally, so screw it. Goodnight.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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