Thursday, February 23, 2006

Reality fair tales

Econs paper is over. The realisation dawns with the dawn of a new day. I'm listening to Truly Madly Deeply again. Such a nice song. I think I can sing it okay, provided I get the tune in my head. Heheh. But I'm not of Idol standards, so, no, do not ask me to go for Idol.

I really wish I could do Amazing Race Asia though. The top prize money is US$100,000. Of course, the chance of me winning would be like what? 1 in a million. I'd put that money to good use for sure. Like Uni fees and stuff that I've always wanted to do. ;) But, the age limit is 21 and a driver's licence is compulsory. I'm barely 18 and there's no way I will have my driver's licence before 18 either... So, no go. Sigh. The experience alone would be more than anything ever before. Heh, you'd become a TV personality then too. Just don't media whore yerself after.

But, a guy can always dream eh? I'm gonna dream that I win, either Survivor or Amazing Race. Should I describe the winner's viewpoint? Lol. Nah. But I'm sure it feels great. Imagine, hearing you won US$1,000,000 or US$100,000... Like, you struck the winning number at lotto! First unbelief hits you, then you realise its all true, OMG, you won. Lol.

Sigh. That will never happen to me. It sounds like a fairy tale too... Ah well...

Shout Outs:
SHP, YT: Donc content que nous avons obtenu le temps pour parler aujourd'hui. Même si c'était pour quelques minutes, ces peu de minutes dureront une vie pour moi. Yer faisant s'impressionnant, yer gonna est devenu ce pediactrician et yer faisant bien dans les sports. Je toujours vais être derrière yer chaque décision. Sourit aight ? Ne pas obtenir trop accentué hors. Je ne veux pas ya tout accentué par la chose et tout. Juste trois semaines jusqu'à les vacances de yer maintenant. Alors obtenir un bon aight de coupure ? J'aime les chargements de ya et sais, l'amour de ya me plus. Je l'étreinte de wanna vous..
Dak: Don't get stressed out dude. Play it nice. You got good cards in yer hand now.
Dame: Thanks a million. Appreciate it lots.
DMCo5: Econs is over, lets tackle IPRA now.
L: How ya doing cuz? Ain't heard from ya in a long while.
Xin Le: Belated happy birthday. I should've said so in my post yesterday. Argh.
Carol & Mesh: How are the two crazy women doing? Lol. Tuesday guys, Tuesday. Operation anti-mozzie set to get in action.
Smack: I dunno, I really think you have some sort of force in yer house. 3 computers down on 2 weekends, and ALL 3 computers at that. Hmmm....
Fano: Yer back mom! Good to see ya around. I have no idea what the last date you gave is about. Hurry on and give us the answers, lol.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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