Saturday, February 18, 2006

Not nice and negative

Its late and I'm blogging. Sigh. Oh well...

Survivor... Last episode was an improvement from episode 2. I no longer have feelings of turning the TV set off. But I am annoyed in the least by some flaws as highlighted previously. Shane may have been one of the worst casting decisions ever. The immunity challenge was cool. Lots of physical stuff going on, some brutal. I hope none of them have memory loss after those hard knocks.

Especially Ruth Marie with the way Danielle knocked her down in the last round. Ouch! And Nick who got stepped all over. Then there's Dan who got thrown down by Shane. Heh, the best wrestle awards goes to, surprise surprise, Cirie Fields for sitting on Sally and then heaving Misty off. Cirie damn funny. Heheh.

Lessons are out and I haven't started studying hardcore yet. Oh shit, my econs is going to be horrible. Carol asked during the revision lecture, why do I try so hard? Why? Cause I know I am a pretentious hardworking lazybum. Yeah. A hardworking lazybum! I look like I put in a lot of effort but everything is minimal. And minimal effort equates to minimal results. I am so screwed.

Why am I so negative? Gah. It seems like I cannot muster the positive strength within me. I need some positive influence and some positive encouragement...

Shout Out:
SHP, YT: Je ne peux pas vous dire dans les mots combien je vous manque. Je souhaite que nous étions ensemble maintenant.. Et que vous pourriez mettre les bras de yer autour de moi et les choses comme cela. Deviner j'ai besoin de vous ces peu de jours. Mais regarder les images de yer, ils toujours mettent un sourire sur ma face. Dans les mots simples, je ne suis pas complet sans vous.. Ensemble nous l'un sommes.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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