Friday, February 24, 2006

Things I hate about my mom

She got mad at me today, with reason. I forgot to go down and help her carry the groceries. But when yer chatting with people, its easy to see how 2 minutes can go. Anyway, she screamed her head off at me. She insisted I did not want to help. Then she said she did not need my help. Why ask for my help if you can carry the stuff yerself? And its not that I didn't want to help. Screw her.

And then she insists that she's sick and tired of my attitude of me above everything else. Oh to hell! What the F are you talking lady? That's what I hate about her, she ALWAYS insisting she is right. I really didn't mind going down and helping her to carry the stuff up, but she insists that I DID NOT want to help because it is TOO MUCH EFFORT. Can you stop BULLSHITING?

I did go down, by then she claims she had unloaded and parked the car. So, I need time to get my keys, put on my footwear and go down right? I doubt that she did all she said. She probably called me after she parked the car. Okay, so we now have 2 angry people. Heh. And then she says no allowance this week for not helping her. You have the damned wrong concept and because of that you are penalising me! Bloody hell! Cutting by a bit I can take. Cutting the entire thing is not acceptable. F you!

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