Friday, February 24, 2006


In a span of about 8 months or so, I have chalked up 300 posts. If I keep going at that rate, it'll mean that over the course of one year, my post count per day is more than 1. Haha. How true. Oh well, happy number 300 then.

I was just looking through chapters 12 and 13 of the Super Squad yesterday. Sigh. Another work of mine that shows how good I am at sticking through with something and finishing it. Well, who's to say I can't pick it up again after several months? I'm nearly at the halfway point of my initial target of 30 chapters. I dunno, maybe NW killed my will to write?

I should stop blaming everything else but myself. I always put the blame on someone or something else and play this blame game. Sigh... Why is it so?

School. Its an irony. We'd rather be in school than out at work yet we say "school sucks". I know, working kinda sucks. But I guess if ya like what yer good at and that's yer profession, good for ya. I wonder how we did for econs, will I fail? How about the interviews for the SDFTV? When will we know if we got chosen? DVPA, what did Ms. Nga think of our work? How did I do in the studio management assessment? How many As, Bs and Cs will I get this semester? What is the IPRA paper going to be like? So many questions, time passes slowly eh?

That brings me to the topic of DVPA. The course is demanding, physically, mentally and in some cases, emotionally. Hmmm, yes, maybe even spiritually. Ya see peeps getting stressed out, ya think yer stressed out yerself, yet ya need to pull yerself together and complete the work metted out. This is just school, what will the media industry be like? Did I realise too late what I just stepped into???

On another note, I've been playing the trial version of Yahoo! Games' The Apprentice Computer Game. Lol, its dang funny. You go through a "season" first. You get to choose your team name and if you want it to be a guy's team or a girl's team. Yeah, and yer up against people like Sandy, Raj, Kevin and Kelly from season 2, then there's Bill from season 1 and Danny, Tana and Kendra from season 3. Those are your competitors.

When it gets down to the boardroom, you face off in a game of unscrambling words. Words range from things like Bonds to Money or Costs or Funds. As each round progresses, one candidate is fired from the game. at stage 7, its a double firing. Pretty neat. I got hired. Lol.

Heads Up and Stay Strong

Be Proud


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