Saturday, February 25, 2006

Goals and targets

Okay, uhm, I'm gonna look for a job this holidays. Hopefully I can get one and yeah, make some cash and stow it away in my bank. Why? Cause I wanna travel. Haha. To North America. Mom and dad said they ain't gonna sponsor me, so, yeah. I have to work for it. I could do with a few thousand. And then I'd need the help of the peeps I know to help me get those airline tickets.

It sounds exciting, traveling alone. Mom said she doesn't mind me doing so. Uhm, I've never done a transit before, so, yeah. As Shwee said, "it can be intimidating". Like getting ripped off by some cabbie or something like it. Maybe its just Asian culture that has created that perception. Sneaky cabbies that aim to charge tourists more than they actually should and the unsuspecting tourist paying that amount. Oh sheesh, I just created a bad image of Asia. Heh.

So, yeah, hopefully next year's holidays. When we have 9 weeks of freedom. I might be able to go jet setting. If not, the year after I guess. Like Uncle Jerome suggested, "before NS". Options are always open. Restrictions are set by me and me alone. It depends on if I want to put in the effort, if I can muster up the want to actually travel alone. At some point in time, I WILL have to start doing things by myself. The sooner I learn these skills the better.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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