Thursday, March 09, 2006

Money issues and mini earthquakes

Hmmmm.... Okay, I won't really make much money from this job. More knowledge gain I guess. Oh well... I can't and won't complain. The offer was made to me, I didn't have to go through an interview or what not. Then there's the whole thing about the eNewsletter. No one seems to know how to do the HTML within the email thing.

I only managed it once and by goodness knows what chance? I was never ever able to get it to work again. Look at it this way I did something that IT people, lecturers, no one knows about. How it worked do not ask me. I need my As to give me the savings in the bank. I always say I'll wait and see if I can handle my term before talking about working. Ah bullshit.

Who'm I kidding eh? Myself. Basically, I'm paying $450 for all this knowledge or so. BUT, this job isn't bad I'd say. The peeps are friendly and I don't spend money on transport. Its a fair trade. I learn something not taught in classrooms, the peeps here get my ability to work.

The MRT tunnels of the future Circle line run pretty close to the building I work in. They're digging the retaining walls at the moment. The building kinda shuddered awhile ago. Probably the only time I'll feel something like an earthquake, heh. No, the building will NOT collapse. I'm sure of that. Ok, here's the shuddering again now. Haha. On the richter scale, maybe this is a 1.something or a low 2.something. Wishful thinking...


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