Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Survivor Challenge

Its so hard to get noodles anywhere here! Pffft! There was one noodle shop, but its been closed for like what? Over a week? Heh. And I'm trying to eat noodles instead of rice. I figure they're lighter. Well, at least nowdays I don't feel sleepy after eating lunch at work. Heh.

I wonder how those castaways manage to Survive the way they do on Survivor. I mean, damn, they don't get food or water for several days if they can't get anything. And then there are those physical challenges to do too. Hmmm....

Oh well. I wonder if I could ever do something like that. We've a month before school begins, do we have 39 days? The answer: No. Only 28 or 26, somewhere around there, forgot exactly how many. Ah well. Stay off fast food. =))

Oh, kids, never try this at home. ;)


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