Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Yeah, holler! I wish I could just holler all that pressure away. Okay, let's not deny it. School is rather pressuring at the moment. LSC due, MMR just getting started, DMA under way, CAC not yet begun, CONB just getting revved up, IHRP test coming! Then pile on the Comm Agency editing work and video duty too. Phew! Ah, I can take this! One thing I'm thankful of is the way that they structured the spec dip. One extra module at a time is better than two.

Also thankful for the support from friends and classmates. Its been awhile since I've done a shout out, so anyway, here's one now.
Gabriel: Dude, thanks for the motivation. Yeah, hope you learn swimming okay, haha.
Shawn: Haha, yer jokes crack me up man. Thanks dude. I suppose you've been seeing the more sombre, gloomy, emo me recently.
Arisya: Thanks for setting me on the right track for LSC.
Mesh & Reg: Thanks guys for the bitching session today. That was good to get off the chest.
Any others not mentioned: Thanks and sorry if I've forgotten you guys.

Dear bro,
I wonder what its like where you are. It makes me think of Mercy Me's "I can only imagine". You liked that song a lot I recall. Do they have MTVs of it? I can only wonder... Or check it out on Youtube later. Know that yer missed.

Kid bro.


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