Monday, April 02, 2007

I missed April Fool's

This is Ashley, who will be turning 3 years old soon. I will be staying at Mak Cik's house again next week! She has funn ways of saying things, here's a list.

Baby Bop (from Barney) - Bee Bop
BJ (from Barney) - Bay Jay
Jono - Jonal
2-years-old - Two os oh

And Mak Cik likes pink baju. You should see her tantrum face though, whooo...

L decided one night to embark on a crazy project of completing a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle. We did it in what? Like, 13 hours? Its waiting to be framed now. Cool eh?

In addition, my two cousins took me to see the Championship League Trophy. Apparently it was doing a world tour. I didn't get what the big hooha was actually, but I'll go with the flow and say it was cool of them to take me.

For entertainment, there was Mr. Bean's Holiday. The movie was kinda cute. Sabine. You? Mr. Bean! Sabine! Bean! Sabine! Bean! LOL. He's mad la. The tagline on the poster was "One of these two has a brain smaller than a peanut" and another was "Disaster has a passport". Oh goodness.

This was taken on the way home from work. Please do tell me its nice!!! LOL. Aight, gotta get to work.

Oh yeah, before I forget. Anyone in MIA class 3A51 please do let me know. I know that the 4Js (Jo, Janice, Jingyi, me) and Fitri are in the same class.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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