Sunday, June 03, 2007

Of NTMs and summer time

Okay, weird title I know. But yeah. First out, congrats to a few friends. You guys deserve it. Have fun eh? Okay, so why of NTMs? What is NTM? NTM is Next Top Model. America's Next Top Model (ANTM), Canada's Next Top Model (CaNTM), Britain's Next Top Model (BriNTM), Australia's Next Top Model (AuNTM)... So many. When I was in KL, Elaine got me to watch ANTM cycle 7. I never really completed the season due to the lack of Channel V on our network (we didn't sign up for it on cable). So, somehow I managed to stumble upon entire episodes of ANTM cycle 7 on youtube. And that got me started on the whole ANTM thing.

Watching all the above mentioned NTMs, I conclude that ANTM is the best edited and the best presented of all. The others do a good job, but America just seems to be a notch over the rest. Probably since its the originator of the series...

America's Next Top Model - the timing spent on each segment of the show - training, reward challenge, photoshoot challenge, judging, communal life is really well co-ordinated in each episode. The characters are also able to jump out at you rather strongly.

Canada's Next Top Model - does a good job with the bare essentials of the series. The reward challenge, the photoshoot challenge and the judging. A good amount is also devoted to communal living. However, its edited a way such that it is a tad boring. Perhaps its the characters that don't bring out that well.

Britain's Next Top Model - this one surprised me the most. I expected it to be edited with the typical Brit style, someone narrating things as they happen. That totally went out of the window. The show retained its style, following closely the American show's formula. They let the contestants do the bulk of the talking, getting them to narrate what goes on and intercut with footage from what the girls are doing. Good one Britain!

Australia's Next Top Model - somewhat drab. I don't know if they thought that taking a contestant out for a week due to medical reasons and then slotting her back in was a good idea. It was justified for the remaining girls to get mad since she DID miss an elimination session. And the producers expect the others to welcome her with open arms. Are they mad? Sorry, but of the four versions I watched, I liked this the least.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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