Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Reality TV mood

Okay, with Exile Island 2 days away now, things are getting pretty heated up. =))

Let's see if I can predict who will make it far from each trib eh?

Cirie Fields: I think her personality will pull her through like Lydia's did. But it may not necessarily work the same way as Lydia, Cirie may win some stuff. Then again... Maybe not.

Ruth Marie: I see her going a little far. Sadly though, she'll be one of the two who would leave the tribe first.

Tina Scheer: I think she'll go fairly far into the game. She seems like the type who has common sense and a good head for decisions. I won't be surprised if she's the tribe's leader. I get a Scout vibe from her.

Melinda Hyder: Uhm... So much for trying to get on people's nerves as little as possible Melinda. You scored BIG with the pre-season video. Let me quote, "I'm going to get on people's nerves, at some point, everyone will get on someone's nerves, so I'm going to do that as little as possible." Please be the first out from the tribe.

If Casaya lands in the first Tribal Council, leaving the tribe by my prediction: Melinda Hyder

Aras Baskauskas: I think he will know how to fly under the radar yet be important and essential to the tribe. But being in a tribe of 4, it is hard to fly under the radar. However, he seems to be the one with the most common sense.

Nick Stanbury: Nick, Nick, Nick... The fraternity (I still have no idea what this refers to, cept that its the guy version of sorority and related to Uni) boy. Uh... I think you mayn't have the common sense, maybe too educated?

Austin Carty: A writer, an actor. Well, well... I dunno if you can stand bein' out under the sun and all. Hmm.... Er, I don't think you make merge. Sorry.

Bobby Mason: No doubt yer a tough big guy. Hmmm.... Er, I think you mayn't be able to click with the rest. They're in their 20s and yer in yer 30s. Shane is more yer age and he has the same problem on the other tribe.

If Viveros lands in the first Triba Council, first to go by my prediction is: Bobby Mason

Daniele DiLorenzo: Ooooh, nasty you are. Hmmmm, cocky? I think you will try to be the leader of the tribe. You have a strong personality. But this may carry you far.

Courtney Marit: Entertaining!!! This may be key to you making it far. Did I hear something about fire walking? Uh, whatever. I dunno, if you were exiled, you may stand a chance of starting fire easily.

Sally Schumann: You know the game, you know how to play. But sad to say, fans never win the game... I think you may make merge if yer careful. I see you as under the radar.

Misty Giles: You say yer smart, hmm.... I dunno. You seem, uh, distracted during the pre-season videos and all. You don't look like you have much to offer. I think you don't bring much to the table.

If Bayoneta lands in the first Tribal Council, Bayoneta would boot by my prediction: Misty Giles

La Mina
Bruce Kanegai: You seem likable. I think the older guys and you will form an alliance to the merge. You three will gang up on Shane.

Dan Barry: Mr. Astronaut. You will partner with Terry (same serving the USA background). To have a majority, you will include elder Bruce who needs you as much as you do him.

Terry Deitz: Mr. Pilot, due to similar background, you have common ground with Mr. Astronaut. You will have a bond. I see you and him gel-ing together and absorbing Mr. Miyagi into an alliance.

Shane Powers: Snaky. I no like you. No, no, no. You no nice. You sneaky man. I think you are outsider. Bye bye.

If La Mina lands in the first Tribal Council, they will rid by my prediction: Shane Powers

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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