Friday, March 24, 2006

Mumble jumble

Current music: Cher - I Believe
Current mood: Bored, Nostalgic

Hmmm, upcoming birthdays. Shwee, Arisya, CB. I'm just thinking back to the good ole times while thinking of some ideas for a corporate website and what stuff to put in it. The techno mix of Cher's I Believe is playing at the moment.

Music is sometimes a transport through time, is it not? As you can see, I'm having some heavy thoughts now. What influenced it? Our song choice is often based on our feelings. Heh. Like, you listen to loud, depressing music when you are down or upset. Avril Lavigne for instance. And dancy music when yer high.

Maybe music with a good consistent beat but rather slow when yer mostalgic like right now for me.

C'est la vie eh?

A few random notes:
  • I want to learn French, not Mandarin
  • I think I talk too much and am a loud mouth in that sense, so, forgive me anyone who I have irked and irritated


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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