Friday, October 27, 2006

Of lectures and lecturers

The picture below is probably the best picture of a lecture that we, the DMC year 2s, attend each week. This is the Media & Promotional Publicity lecture by Ms. Helen Ng. Oh, yeah, this picture was taken with my phone.

So yeah, we've a couple of modules with lectures. But thankfully only 3 which are examinable. Thank goodness, less to mug for. For those elsewhere who are having exams (O Levels, A Levels, Mid-terms), the best of luck guys. Especially you babe.

Modules and lecturers this sem:
M&PP - Ms Helen Ng - This module is fun to me, create an event and run it. I guess its my sort of thing. Organising and planning, stuff I like. The group is good too and yeah, things are going according to schedule (this reminds me that Christina wants me to type and send out the proposal again). But yeah, Ms Helen is nice but strict about timing. So yeah, we shall all be early next Friday. Anyone who needs wake up calls?

MLE - Ms Phyllis Peter - Ms Peter and her Brit sense of humour, heh. Her shrill voice we will never forget. Oh and her attempts at encouraging us using poems. Hahaha. Media Law and Ethics, uhh, its law... Its hard and they word it so spankingly difficult to mess with you on purpose.

PRMP - Ms Claire Ng - Public Relations Management Practices, PR is not my kinda thing... But you deal with what you get eh? So we're stuck with Claire again. Uh, PR, nothing much to say about it. Its actually rather systematic.

AM - Mr Andrew Ang - Hahaha, Mr Ang is funny when he messes up printing our notes. Oh, and poor Mr Ang messed it up twice in one week. Like he said, he's busy with a lot of stuff. Relax... Advertising, try to pay attention cause this is probably the line I'm gonna go into.

EOF - Mr Chin and Ms Tay - What a pair to teach Finance... Possibly one of the driest modules which seems like severely whacked Principles Of Accounts which I attained C6 for. Bah. Who pays attention to this anyway?

UCCD - Ms Wenda Leong - Understanding Cross Cultural Diversity turned drama lecture when Ms Wenda tried to act how the sorority girls in her Uni acted. Uhh, the next lecturer video on youtube eh? Ms Wenda in Sorority Girls. I can totally see it, yessss......... I dunno, it seems like you can coast through it.

SCR - Mr Woon (Chet) - Chet's classes make us learn stuff. We learnt how to critique scripts, why CAC was important and yeah, we're learning stuff. Its pretty cool really, and I think we're gonna have stuff to put into our portfolio (which I'm sure everyone has neglected for the past 3 semesters).

That aside...

"Its not the length of life but the depth of life"
"What hurts the most was being so close and having so much to say and watching you walk away"

I feel the pain, really. Its been awhile, but its still there like I said yesterday. The memories never fade.

Dear Nan,
Things are going good here. Next week's the rush week for assignments before a little break for e-learning week and mid-term tests. But yeah, holding up well I suppose. I keep thinking of you...


Dear bro,
To tell the truth, its hard at times. Lana obviously still feels it. I hope she's doing okay really cause I have no idea... Sometimes its just hard to word what you want to say really.

Kid bro.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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