Sunday, October 08, 2006

Been busy

Okay, here's a short one to update y'all and to make known that I am not dead. Lol. No, pretty much alive although the haze is making it hard to breathe and my eyes are irritated. Life has been good, although busy with so many things. Met up with the Cafe on Friday (love ya guys), on Thursday went to deposit cash and went for a run, on Wednesday went to "buka puasa" with the class after a whole full day of school (9am to 6.45pm without breaks people!). Tuesday had spec dip and Monday was Sakae day. Mom's got loads of contracts for her business, so I'm helping out. Still have spec dip homework to get through. Should finish the EOF tutorial tonight so I can have that lesson free. Still miss Nan and Bro very much, just so both of you know. Okay, that's the whirlwind update.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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