Sunday, September 17, 2006

Going down, down, down

Since coming back from India, I've lost 4.5 kg. Not bad I'd say. Shall continue to drop the kilos, haha. Yup, weight must go down. Must be healthy, must be fit.

Dear Nana,
4.5 kg down. You always had something nice to say I remember. I was just emailing Ava this morning and happened to remember those times we stayed with you. In section 5, section 17... I remember you leeting me plant my own marigolds, and they did flower nicely too. I wonder how yer gardens are doing. Going back to the house will be... Difficult this weekend.


Dear Bro,
I dunno how this week is gonna go man. The memories will be back, starting Friday. I'm trying to write out something, I need to work on it. Then on Saturday we're going back to Nan's old house to celebrate Aunty Ivy's birthday. Only Nan isn't there in the house. Sigh. I think you'd know how hard it is. Hope yer doing good bro, totally miss ya.

Kid bro.


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