Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Isn't it interesting?

Wow. My site has received loads of hits recently. But you won't be able to guess where from. So far, this blog has been visited by readers from Australia, USA, UK, France, Belgium, Canada!, Singapore, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Iceland, India and Fiji. Totally wow.

Ok, so Survivor: Cook Islands is either not showing here or will be shown super late after USA shows the series like half-way already. That is understandable, but to not show Amazing Race 10 is wtf? Let me state my arguments for against the non airing of TAR 10.

1) There is no controversial twist
Unlike Survivor: Cook Islands, the teams are and always will be teams of people with pre-existing relationships, irregardless of race, language or religion. The concept is the same, there always have been minorities.

2) The producers are different and have different styles
Jerry Bruckheimer is not so silly to go try something as drastic or desperate as Mark Burnett. I take my hat off to JB for not being so desperate as MB for viewership and ratings

3) Amazing Race is a staple reality show
Amazing Race has won numerous emmys as opposed to other shows (ANTM, PR). 'Nuff said.

Okay, enough rant on TV. Readers who visited looked for things relating to "Survivor", "Russ Landau" and "Organisational Behaviour" (wow). Interesting. For previous intros and themes of Survivor, let me recommend which has an excellent and up to date collection.

Dear Nana,
Its been sometime since I wrote here eh? Hope that everything is fine where you are and that yer enjoying yerself. People here cannot forget you. Its evident. Everyone still talks about you - Uncle Berty, Aunty Tina, mom, me.... But it'd be the people around you the most who will observe that difference. I know Uncle Berty misses you a lot. And Aunty Dah too. Aunty Tina can't stop writing about how you were a big thing, no, a big role model, mother, care giver in her emails. Everyone misses you Nan.


Dear Bro,
This is going to be both an enjoyable and painful month I have to say. You have your anniversary of 911 to remember and Dak's birthday. Sigh. Then you have things like the class chalet and holidays and all that going on as well. Life is never perfect eh?

Kid bro.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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