Friday, August 11, 2006

And here's to you

I can't help it, I can't help it...

Dear Nana,
Its been a week already. Sigh. I dunno, I'm still really tired of stuff. Kinda drained, guess my sleeping habits haven't helped either. Exams are round the corner, gotta do well, gotta do well. Didn't get a good report on the MMR report from Ms. Kwa. I'm not gonna dwell on it, I'm not going to point fingers. There's nothing I could've done that would've changed things. I'm going to leave this as a short one today.


Dear bro,
Its hard to let go, especially when you've just lost someone. Its hard, its hard. Especially someone whom you were close to. Ah shucks, I'm gonna go spinning into this emo me for awhile again I suppose. I try to move on, I try to get over it. But I'm only human...

Kid bro.


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