Wednesday, August 02, 2006

We are tired

Pictures will be up on the photo blog shortly, the pictures from our last MMR tutorial I mean. Sad isn't it? No more Rajan day and now no more Kwa day. Then no more Sheila day after Wednesday passes. Nevertheless, we are tired. *yawn*

Just take a look at DMC2A05. Everyone wishes for extra sleeping hours, next week we'll have it no doubt. Okay, forgive me for going off tangent but by calculations so far I have come to the conclusion that I have passed the CAC module. Now time to get down to the nitty gritty of LSC, OM, CONB and MMR. Not to mention the CAs for DMA, MMR-CONB and FW and CAC none the less.

Back to being tired. Ms Peter had a fit (well sorta) last Thursday. Heh, Ms Peter, Ms Peter, what we'll do during the 3-5pm LSC tutorial if you were not there I wouldn't know. Probably fall asleep on the lecturer eh?

3 more days people! 3 more days! And then we can run free for our exams. Hop over the hurdles. Gonna put all remaining energy into the next 1 month to finish the exams off.

Meanwhile... I wonder how Nana is doing. Not been hearing good stuff just hope she's okay and if she were to go I'd think it be better for her. She's 92 after all... But she's afraid to go. Of all people to be afraid, she'd be the last on your list. Mom's subtly upset - it's not obvious but ya can see it. She's saying that nan's like straving to death cause she can't swallow no more and they won't allow a drip back home.

Hospital's not an option cause nan doesn't want to be there. Poor thing, she wants to live yet her body is working against her. Sigh... Old age eh? There's no hiding it, she's dying. Its just taking so long and so painfully. She suffered so many years ago and she is undoubtly suffering now. Slowly ebbing away.... The light, the glow is going out.

Dearest Nana,
Thank you for the grandma you are,
Wish you won't be so far,
But to us you'll always be a star.

You've always been a fighter,
But just take it easy and lay back this time.
And maybe you'll find the burden lighter,
Fly with the wind and the chime.

Soar above all Nan.

Dear bro,
Nan's gonna be joining you sometime soon. Its as though I'm slowly losing everyone one by one... Sigh. Take care.

Kid bro.


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