Thursday, August 03, 2006


Dedicating this song to my late grandmother. Always so caring and gentle, remembered for eternity.

Dear Nana,
You've gone now. I hope you didn't have to suffer. Just know that your faith is strong and that the Lord will be pleased with you and your service. I can just imagine him welcoming you with, "Well done thy faithful servant". Know that you will be missed dearly by all, children and grandchildren, friends and friends of ours alike. You left a legacy behind.

You were a person who was giving and giving, helping the people of Kenya. You shared your experiences and your skills with others. Those days of scrabble and boggle will be remembered. Every Christmas memory, ever bite of Nestum cake, every one of your dishes, your hospitality, your openess, sound advice, every one of your birthday bashes will be forever placed in the treasure chest of memories.

The lgeacy you left behind will always be remembered. I hope you were happy in your last days.


Dear bro.
Nana's gone now. Another person gone, forever missed. Sigh. I dunno, this is such a trying time I'd have to say. Assessments, projects, tests, exams all within these few weeks. Now I have to see Nan one last time, its only right. How do I balance all these out? What's going to happen? Sigh. Missing you too...

Kid bro.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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