Thursday, August 17, 2006


Dear Nana,
I wonder how yer doing. Letting go takes time. But I think its getting easier now. We love ya, a lot. So its been kinda hard. However, as I've said, people come, people help. They're great people. Anyway, LSC exam was like yesterday and CONB is tomorrow. I think LSC was manageable, I hope CONB will be the same. I wish mom and dad wouldn't worry about what time I sleep and what not, cause, I can take care of myself. I know its exam day eve, but I'll get sufficient rest. And I know I did my best to revise, so I just gotta give it my best. No matter what, I know you'll be proud.


Dear bro,
Phew... Exams. I don't think I have ever been this, uhm, anxious about exams before. Why should I be? Well, lots at stake. Maybe because these subjects are harder to study for? Just gotta keep on working, gotta give it the best I have. And I should know that what I have done was to my best and that there's only so much I could've done. Granted, I could've done things differently but what's done is a done deal and nothing I can do now is gonna change that. Thanks for listening and helping me just get ready to face that silly piece of paper.

Kid bro.

Just thought I'd do a shout out.

Shout Out:
Dak: Dude, thanks so much for being there. Good to talk to someone who understands. Love ya.
Mesh: Thanks Mesh for the support. You've been another great one to talk to. Thanks for understanding. Wishing ya the best in tomorrow's paper.
DMC2A05: Dudes and dudettes, all the best for tomorrow. Do yer best and give it all you've got. 05 no fear.
Other DMC friends: Eh, you guys ain't forgotten. Do yer best guys. All the best.
Kay Jen: Funny gal you. Thanks for the prayer support.
Fano: Eh, you learnt photbucket! I am so proud! Haha. Have fun at work.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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