Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My results are sick and I should kill myself

Introduction to Human Resource Practices - BA006B - 2 - A
Consumer Behaviour - BA0076 - 4 - B
Digital Media Applications - BA0219 - 4 - B
Feature Writing - BA0237 - 3 - B+
Legal System and Contracts - BA0221 - 3 - C
Organisational Management - BA0220 - 3 - C+
Mass Media Research - BA0265 - 5 - C+

Lowest GPA. Ever.

Don't ask. Dissapointed in self. I oughta go kick myself in the ass I know. Yes mom, I should've studied harder, done more work, etc, etc. Now let me go die.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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