Thursday, September 21, 2006

Back from Aloha

Current song: Come With Me - Phil Collins

Yep, listening to it again. And I'm feeling good. Thanks again, you who dedicated it. Blogger is being a nuisance with photo uploads. Anyway, confirmed my GEM module today, Creative Game Design. Sounds interesting eh?

Yeah, well, the chalet was interesting as well. Carol, Shaun, Zhao Jie, Weijie, Gajan, Kay Miang, Nicole, Regina, Zhili, Xiao Ling & I stayed over the first night. Slept at a very early am hour, one people usually wake up at. Haha. It was just fun in short. Rajan cooks fantastic salmon. Thanks Rajan!

Dear Nana,
This weekend its going to be different without you there anymore. That empty room, which I will be trying to avoid.... It felt so empty the last time I went up. Your bed was there, without an occupant. Your TV, radio, everything. Mom has a comb of yours, I think it still has your hair in it. I never used it, I don't want to. Sigh, missing ya Nan.


Dear Bro,
I wonder how things have been where you are, and where Nan is too. Been working on that little thing, gonna be done soon. Chalet was fun, had a good time there. Talking to Reg was cool. Bro, miss ya loads man. Keep thinking of yer family too, wondering how they're doing. Hope they're doing okay.

Kid bro.

Shout Outs:
Dak: Belated happy 1 year 2 months dude. Have fun and you can manage yer work for sure. Yer an awesome dude, keep on rocking. Yul rocks and yeah, here's crossed fingers for him to win. Yul-ownage!
Mesh: Hey Jewish crazy gal, thanks for the MSN convos and their funk. Good luck with the Jewish name search, Rosh!
Reg: Eh, I really need to thank you for being so open with me and yeah, your being really open is a good thing. =)) Thanks Reg.
Dame: Dude, so miss ya man. So miss ya.
Nan: Missing ya too Nan, its just so different after seeing people go... I know its time to move on, but I can't forget you guys. I can't and will not. Yer memories will remain and I will keep them forever.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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