Thursday, September 21, 2006

Go figure this out yerself

*This entry is back-dated for certain reasons

Warning, this is going to be an emo post, so you know what to expect. Sometimes I feel like my life is total shit. Yeah, suppose today is one of those days. By the way, a happy birthday to Aunty Ivy. Today is just weird. Weird to the max, like emo overload. No one would notice, cause I spent most of the day either snoozing or watching mundane TV shows. Prison break was cool, yeah. I'll agree to that.

Dear Nan,
Its just hard. The closer it is to going up, the worse I seem to feel. Sheesh, I dunno if I can handle it. Maybe I'm over reacting, I have no idea. But like, I can't even use a hairbrush that has yer hair in it still. I don't think it should ever be used. Its, its like a memory of you, some remnant to show you existed. Its just gonna be hard on my part...


Dear bro,
This is a hard weekend for me. Feeling kinda emo today, various reasons. It sucks really. I'll have the poem up tomorrow. Its done, I dunno how it is. Its happy and sad too. It shows how I feel for sure. Sigh. I cannot but help and think about it now and the whole thing as a big picture. Sigh...

Kid bro.

Shout Outs:
Dak: I dunno how this weekend is gonna be for ya dude. I hope it goes well. I wish I could be in yer arms today, I sure could use yer shoulder. I'm listening to that song again, IMUB.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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