Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Selamat Hari Raya and a 12 hour snooze

Did I just break my sleep record? Goodness. I slept after coming home from spec dip class all the way to 6 something this morning. And that was like 6 at night. 12 hours? I must've been damned knocked out! Sheesh. Wow. I got up, and saw it was dark. Fine, its probably 2 something I thought. Then I checked my phone it was 6;13. My eyes probably nearly popped out of their sockets. But yeah, it was needed sleep I suppose. And feel kinda refreshed after that long snooze. I think everyone needs a long snooze like that from time to time. Especially you babe!

And without their moms saying its wasting time. For goodness sakes, if you don't sleep your body is going to break down! Haha.

Shout Outs:
Dak: Nail 'em exams! Do yer best aight?
My malay friends: Selamat Hari Raya!


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