Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Do I miss Survivor?

Survivor: Cook Islands. Down to 15 castaways and next double tribal. Then we'd have 13 castaways. I'm not too sure of the days now. What day are we on and we have 15 castaways? Okay, just checked the episode 5 torrent, I think they're around day 14 now. So that would give them 25 more days to get rid of 15 people. Expect a few double tribals, yeehaw! One twist they have yet to do is get the tribes to go for an early merge and get a larger jury. Anyway, let's recap on our 5 booted castaways.

Episode 1: I could forgive her but I don't have to because she screwed with my chickens
Puka, Aitu, Raro
TC: Hiki
Bootee: Sekou Bunch
The castaways were divided into 4 tribes by ethnic lines. This caused the whole big hoo-ha and led to Survivor not showing here. All the hoo-ha for nothing! Sekou made a lot of promises but never lived up to them.

Episode 2: Dire straits and Dead weight
Puka, Raro, Hiki
TC: Aitu
Bootee: Billy Garcia
The infamous episode which the Hispanics threw the challenge that lead to the love-at-first-sight-leaving-mouths-open tribal council. Billy, Billy, Billy, what will you be remembered for for being on Survivor: Cook Islands? For falling in love with Candice at first sight and making a fool of yourself.

Episode 3: Flirting and Frustration
TC: Aitu
Bootee: Cecilia Mansilla
Come episode 3, the tribes are melted down and formed into the tribes Aitutaki and Rarotonga. How nice, they're the bigger islands of the Cooks archipelago. Yeah, well, what can you expect when the Cook Islands tourism board dictates the season be called Survivor: Cook Islands and forces SEG to adopt funky-chunky names like Puka Puka? Cecilia is booted, the Hispanics are falling in numbers.

Episode 4: Ruling the roost
IC: Aitu
TC: Raro
Bootee: JP Calderon
How can anyone forget bossy JP? Paverty, get me the machete. Even flirtatious Parvati couldn't stand it no longer. The women of Raro get together and throw the king away into the Cook Islands lagoon. And Raro got a beating at the challenge.

Episode 5: Don't cry over spilt octopus
IC: Aitu
TC: Raro
Bootee: Stephannie Favor
Stephannie Favor, I had her going out in episode 1. She looked frail and not the type to make it out there. Cristina, who can forget master chef tossing away pretty boy Adam's prized octopus? And then blaming washer Jenny for not being there to support the washing of octopus. Cristina, Cristina, yer in danger. But guess not as much danger as Stephannie.

5 people down, 14 to go, 1 sole survivor to identify. Let it be Yul, for I am on the Yultide wagon. And come December, that's the season of Yultide! I am being lame, do not mind me. Anyhow, Hispanic tribe is depleted down to 2 members, the Afro tribe has 3 and the Pukaites and Rarotongans, namely Asians and Caucasians have 5 each. Both intact.

With double trouble tribal council looming ahead, are we going to see goodbye to annoyances Cao Boi and Cristina? Hey, their names even both start with a C! No wonder its double trouble tribal council...

In conclusion, yes I do miss watching Survivor on TV. Even past seasons of Survivor. I know a lot of people hated Survivor: Vanuatu and Survivor: Guatemala. Totally loved these two. Vanuatu especially, for special reasons.

Dear Nana,
Well, I can't believe its 2.5 months to 2007. When you put it that way, its kinda scary... Sheesh. I'm that much closer to being in year 3, the last and final year of the course. The term is progressing, sometimes appearing to be slowly, and other times appearing to be quickly. Yer missed and loved.


Dear Bro,
I was going over some video clips and happened on the Survivor: Vanuatu intro. This season's intro will always remind me of you, the time you went to Vanuatu. Yeah, well, good times eh bro? I dunno, sometimes it just hurts still. Was telling Reg about you today though. Love ya bro.

Kid bro.


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