Wednesday, April 11, 2007

An evening out while the clock ticks

Yesterday I managed one last meeting with the dudes....

And the dudette. So what're they called? The dudes and one dudette? Haha. Lame me.... =_=" Anyway, am gonna miss the gang. They're great people yo.

See what they got me. Hai yai yai, how much trouble for them to get it? But really, THANKS GUYS. Hugs to y'all. John Mayer's songs are cool, listened to it twice already. Its awesome stuff.

One shot, two treatments. Love it. Nice eh? Okay, so butter me up and tell me you agree, lol. But yeah, was a fantastic time as the day I leave draws closer. And the day to projects and stuff, ahhh, don't speak.... I don't wanna think about it cause I'm enjoying it as it is here. Anyway, I digress yet again.... It was a fun night with the 5 and I'm glad I got to meet with them 3 times (that's like once every 2 weeks). And thanks Jon for the lift to the KTM station. Too bad didn't get to talk to you much. More like hi, bye.

I wonder how many years its been since I've spoken to you guys really. Even so, these 3 meetings haven't made up for all those years. Will come back in June okay? You guys need to stay over or something too. Heh. I'll take you guys for wantan mee and char kway teow and stuff (Justin & Ben, I know you guys will love it seeing that we all like food ;] ). Yeah, so do keep in touch aight? Michelle too. So quiet last night! Thought you were uber bored.

Oh, and thanks for the help last night too. That was a really good find!

I still have some stuff to get before I go for some other peeps. And I'm supposed to meet Aunty Gillian and Uncle Christie on Saturday for lunch. Mr. Andrew also asked me to go out for lunch. Friday there's a dinner tenatively with the rest of the family (welcome home Uncle Freddie & Aunty Jeannette and Happy Birthday Ethan or is it Brandon?). Today is just plain and simple. But I kinda feel tired (late nights, early mornings). Tomorrow I ought to get up early and see Ryan some. Hmmmm.....

Anyway, I'll save some thoughts for later. Everything seems like some mambo-jambo now.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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