Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Stories from Malaysia

I recently bought the novel of Spider-Man 3. The story is AWESOME. I can't wait for the movie to come out. One more month! Woo-hoo! This movie (as with all Spider-Man movies) will be great. I can assure you that. The story has lots to offer (I'm trying not to reveal too much information). Basically, you'll see the black Spider-Man. Previews have shown Peter Parker to be the black Spider-Man so that I can say. Who's he up against? The Sandman. Spider-Man 3, in cinemas May 2007.

I met with the dudes again last night at Subang Parade. And gave them the CDs I got for them. The looks on their faces - priceless! I'm so glad I got it for them really. Justin sent me an sms to thank me today. Haha. Its all so worth it! And I saw Aunty Pauline too! Its good to see her.

Not only that, Ms. Michelle was there too. I was never aware how old they were but now I know. =) No worries guys. I just need to get down your birthdays. Haha. But yeah, it was good to meet them and we need to meet at least once more before I leave. I just noticed, my face looks kinda fat in that picture. Have got to do something about that...

How cute can little Cosmos be?! One of the rare face-pics of the dog. He's seriously scared of anything and everything - cameras, phones, thunder, lighting, Kaiser, people. Poor funny little Cosmos. Can you imagine him killing a squirrel?

That's what he looks like when he's resting. His "mattress" lies at the bottom of my bed now. I like having him there actually. Haha. Its just different somehow.

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