Thursday, July 05, 2007

Independence day - The day I got my own room

I would've posted these yesterday since it was the day I did get to view the room. But I've been so bogged down I've not had time for much. As it is, I left the house before 8am today and returned home only after 11pm. And even then the work is not done yet. I now have to sit in semi-darkness, rumage in my bag for a list of numbers and calculate figures to see if we are within budget. Nice eh? Oh yeah, just send someone along to make it less painful, thanks eh.

Anyway, yes. Independence Day is the day I got my own room. Not moved in yet, but well, I have my own room now. Its more than 1/2 the size of the room I share with my brother now. I need to get used to that. There's a nice big wardrobe next to the door that should do for storage and the view is okay. Not exactly that great but at least some open space. I need help in deciding colours and stuff. I really do cause I'm at a loss for which to pick.

On another note, thank goodness for classmates! I love my ICM group, they're the best. Today we had a very productive meeting. According to Ifah, the most productive meeting to date. Why? Cause it was also the longest. It started after buying mid-day meals from Junction 8 and bringing back to Nad's house. From 3-ish we worked till 9.45pm when we bade goodbye to Nad and her family. Now you see why its the most productive meeting eh? But yeah, thank goodness for them and their good sense of humour. It helps to get through the tough times when we're all drained and we persevere together. Then there's the stoning chair, ahahaha. The one where everyone will stone unless you are Jonathan. And I'm supposedly not human. Wow. Thanks or yuck? Someone tell me. LOL. Right, I gotta get started on accounting.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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