Friday, November 02, 2007

3 is the number

Its already November. How quickly time has passed. So swiftly it has come and gone. Where did it go to? To all the 05-ers, I am gonna miss you crazy buncha peeps the next three months. Here's another emo post to be added to the countless number of us who blog about how sad we are that our time together as a class is drawing to an end. Of course we will meet for dinner dates, but it's not going to be the same. The times when we were in lectures and in tutorials were also the times where we bonded - helping each other calculate how many lessons from a module we can skip, all hoping that the lecturer would not call us to answer a question and fighting to be noticed for PM at yet other times.

Anyway, here's a recount of the last three years that we have been together....

Orientation Programme
The first person I talked to was Arisya. She said Hi to me first and we started talking. At this point, I had already noticed Kamesh, Gajan and Shaun, not knowing they were also 05-ers. There was a lot of confusion. Anyway, to the conversation... Arisya talked about how she had gone to JC first and knew some one else in this course. Who else but Halimah? Haha. And then the facs gathered all the 05-ers to sit down. Soon after, we were talking to Weijie and Zhao Jie. Arisya asked ZJ if he had an English name and I remember this so well, he said she could call him Aaron. I really thought his English name was Aaron... HAHA!

And soon it was time for indoor games. Sitting in a circle, we introduced ourselves. It was Nad, Ifah, Kamesh, Arisya and then I forget who else. But soon we had to play the remember the list of names game and go around the circle. The further it gets, the longer the list you had to recite. Remember the "She is Sharina, she is Sabarina, she is Jia Ying, she is Nad, she is Ifah..."?

And the body parts game which I "had" to turn a notch up. I vaguely remember someone having to kiss someone's sole and Kamesh writing "tongue" but ending up kissing Arisya's ass instead. And so on and so forth, we know what comes next so I don't need to go into details there.

Outdoor games were memorable as well. Gajan broke his arm and Shaun chased Alison throwing water bombs at her. By the end of the day, they were pegged to be the class couple. Regina was selected to participate in MMSB along with Gajan who was eventually replaced by Shaun due to injury. The second day was really crap as we all were in the Convention Centre waiting for MMSB so we could cheer Shaun and Regina (Way to go REG!!).

Day three and we were doing the president's challenge flag day at Bukit Merah. The town was really dead. Anyone remember all of us taking 198 to the interchange together? And then us gathering at McDonald's and learning that Carrie Underwood was America's Idol. Hahaha. I remember Kamesh had a few conversations with an old man while selling her flags and I went around with some of them. I can't remember who now.

As the official school term started, we were surprised by a late addition to the class, none other than Zhili! That brought our numbers up to 18 and we've never looked lower than that since.

Three years later, and many many projects later, you have DMC3B05. We're one of the most united classes in the cohort (I kid you not) and we're a fun bunch of crazy kids. I'm gonna miss the entire buncha bozos loads. You guys must meet for dinner ever so often! Or, I'll kill you next time I see you.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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