Monday, March 17, 2008

It's, like, a week away?!

I've been so busy lately that I've almost let the Australia trip slip my mind. I know, I've been telling people I'll be away from 25th March to 13th April but what hasn't registered is:

1) March is halfway through already
2) I leave in about a week's time

So, yes. It's now that close and I have yet to settle my internal flight nor my VISA. VISA I'll have to get it done tomorrow and internal flight, I hope I can book tonight when mom comes home. I need a credit card for it. And I think I need to go out with mom one day to get all the necessary stuff. I only have 1 pair of jeans, and what seems to look like 1 pair of berms now.

The past week was somewhat busy seeing that I went for L-camp and the weekend was taken up with Church and Cell stuff. So yes, as to why I'm left with one pair of berms... L-camp was super fun. I think initially I kind of dreaded it hearing that at one point we'd need to jump into the mud-pond and stuff but over time, I grew to like it. Loved my group - SURGE. They're great people. The weather didn't help either, raining on both days of the camp so things were rather muddy. Accommodation was in A-huts with mattress-less bunks so we used our sleeping bags instead. All in all, I'm really glad that I went for LEAP.

So, for the up coming Australia trip, I'm going to Melbourne and Sydney for roughly 2 and a half weeks. Arisya will be going as well, while I arrive on the 26th, she arrives on the 27th. So maybe we could meet up in Melbourne town or something. Personally, I have no idea what to expect as I've never been to Melbourne before! As such, I have to rely on others and the internet to let me know what there is to do down under in Victoria. It's going to be lovely for sure, but yeah. I should start thinking of what I want to do there.

The picture above, shows Great Ocean Road. I heard that the views there are spectacular and it's a must visit. Mom, Dad and Frederick went there in 2005 while I was stuck in school-term. They took a helicopter ride out there. How lucky! I don't think I'll have enough money to do such stuff. Great Ocean Road is about 2 hours away from where my relatives stay so maybe if they don't mind taking me there one day, I could go. That'd be nice for sure.

I do know that I want to go to Phillip Island for sure. Penguins stay there and I'd love for a change of wildlife. Some how, I just can't seem to appreciate the cockatoo that wakes me up around 8am every day outside my window. Maybe its the screeching? Anyway, penguins would be a welcome change. Can't wait to see them funnies. And I ought to see lots of Kangaroos and Koalas too. You can't get enough of them creatures only seen in the down under. Too bad I ain't going to Ayer's Rock. How is that spelt now? Not too sure which part of Australia that is in, I just know it's somewhere central.

In Sydney, I'm going to have to see if it's possible to walk across the harbour bridge. I won't be going for the Bridge Climb this time, but I'd love to walk across, stop in the middle and admire the view. Can you imagine looking across the harbour with the Opera House in view? I can't that's for sure. I need to see it for myself. And since the last time I was in Sydney in 1994, I didn't go to the Opera House, a visit is warranted this time. Along with a jet boat ride in the harbour. Vanessa has offered to go with me on that one. What else is there to do in Sydney, I'm not too sure. I suppose I could use the time to go to some of the museums and stuff like that. Some one please get me a new camera, I don't like the idea of lugging that FujiPix camera around, that fake-SLR... Oh, and not forgetting, the amount of shopping to be done as well.

This trip is going to be great and I'm sure I'll enjoy myself there and come home with lots of memories and pictures to share.

PS: I wanna get one of those Survivor-buffs again.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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