Sunday, January 06, 2008

Survivor Half All Stars

The cast of Survivor: Micronesia - Fans versus Favourites has been revealed. 10 ultimate fans against 10 experts. On all fronts of expertise. Fans make up the Airai tribe while the Favourites are the Malakal tribe.

The Airai tribe.
Back: Michael Bortone, Chet Welch, Joel Anderson, Kathleen Sleckman, Erik Reichenbach
Front: Mary Sartain, Tracy Hughes-Wolf, Natalie Bolton, Jason Siska, Alexis Jones

Favourite fans: Alexis, Erik

The Malakal tribe.
Back: Jonathan Penner (Survivor: Cook Islands), Amanda Kimmel (Survivor: China), James Clement (Survivor: China)
Front: Cirie Fields (Survivor: Panama - Exile Island), Eliza Orlins (Survivor: Vanuatu), Jon Dalton (Survivor: Pearl Islands), Parvati Shallow (Survivor: Cook Islands), Ozzy Lusth (Survivor: Cook Islands), Ami Cusack (Survivor: Vanuatu), Yau-Man Chan (Survivor: Fiji)

Palau is not represented as "favourites" Bobby Jon and Stephenie returned in Survivor: Guatemala. Guatemala is not represented as it was surprisingly unpopular or, according to Dalton Ross, "lowly regarded". Pff. Palau I can understand, but Guatemala I do not. Parvati didn't earn her place there first time round. Give me Amy O'Hara anytime. And Brian Corridan over Jon Dalton.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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