Friday, December 14, 2007

Cycle 9 over, Cycle 10 coming

And the winner of top model cycle 9 is... Saleisha. As one season closes, another comes. Like Survivor, 2 months later comes ANTM Cycle 10. The local channel here only just concluded ANTM Cycle 8 so I've had to follow this Cycle on youtube.

Chantal, Sarah, Bianca, Mila, Lisa, Saleisha, Kimberly, Heather, Ebony, Janet, Ambreal, Jenah, Victoria are the models of the season.

1. Ambreal - Vibrant personality. Definitely one of those who stands out.
2. Bianca - I didn't like her... as much as the others. Most of them this season were likable.
3. Chantal - Loved her. Total package. Enough said.
4. Ebony - Its either she looks like Kamesh at certain angles or Kamesh looks like her at certain angles. Heh.
5. Heather - Loved her as well. Watch for her story.
6. Janet - The mom figure. She was rather likable.
7. Jenah - One of the youngest in the group but seems so polished.
8. Kimberly - Didn't really like her either.
9. Lisa - She was nice, but I think that was just it.
10. Mila - Say hello to the robot man.
11. Saleisha - Perhaps she has the most experience in the industry?
12. Sarah - You'd think that having the most common top model name would make you stand out more.
13. Victoria - Ms. Yale "I don't have a prickly disposition".

Good season this cycle. Looking out for Cycle 10. If tradition holds, a new intro is in store. I liked this version though.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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