Monday, November 19, 2007

Khun Hyber Khaun - Heeyah!

I just finished watching Survivor: Marquesas today. I missed most of that season and only watched snatches of it. Why didn't I like it back in 2002? Well, cause Maraamu kept losing. It gets boring when one tribe keeps losing challenges. Similarly why I hate Palau and Fiji years later. But at least when the switch happened in this season it helped things out a little.

Peter - Neutral. He did come off as a whacko though.
Patricia - She was likable. Very mom-like and probably the Maraamu mom.
Hunter - Liked him off the bat. Various reasons. Voted off too early, but Maraamu's make up was like Ulong's.
Sarah - Did not like her from the get go. She was cleopatra alright.
Gabriel - Liked the guy. Pity we didn't get to see much of him.
Gina - She was likable too. She should have made the merge at least.
Rob - I know why they brought him back for All Stars. Very much a player. Did I like him? No.
John - Loved the guy. Great moments especially the "I need someone who needs to pee". I thought he came off as likable.
Zoe - Loved her too. Hard worker and generally a nice person.
Tammy - She came across as rather angsty and kinda mad all the time.
Robert - Liked the guy as well. He was nice in a different sort of way. Can't exactly explain it.
Sean - Complains a lot and is heck lazy. Race would not have been as big an issue if he hadn't said anything about it. Can't say I liked him.
Paschal - Started off okay, got a bit less likable towards the end.
Kathy - One of my favourites. Still is. She was rather spunky and ready to jump into the thick of things and so sporting.
Neleh - Sweet Pea. Don't let her fool you. Blonde but knows how to use it.
Vecepia - Neutral. But I felt she didn't deserve to win, her or Neleh.

I think the season was rather good after watching it. Maybe it was the I didn't watch it years ago but can now spin that made it good. Whatever it is, I enjoyed watching it. On to Vanuatu.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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