Monday, August 29, 2005

Feedback Fun!

Name: Mr. William Tan Hui Leong
Subject: Information Technology for Business (ITB)
Review: Haha, Mr. Tan's lessons are somewhat interesting. Always learning new features in Microsoft. things we never knew existed in Word, Powerpoint or Excel suddenly spring to life. Not sure how these will be handy in future, nevertheless, learning new things is supposed to be good eh?

Name: Mr. Anthony Ranasinghe
Subject: Character Development (CD)
Review: Mr. Anthony is a very patient tutor. Heheh, will always remember the CIP that we did as a class for ever. The "infamous hug" (the two involved, haiz, you should know what I am talking about *shakes finger at 2 classmates*), the NYDC after, the red-line ride back. SP CORE values, thanks for makin' 'em clear!

Name: Mr. Lee Chong Hwa
Subject: Fundamentals Of Marketing (FOM) [Lecture]
Review: The lectures where we exercise our hands! Won't forget you've studied all over the world, heh. But the lectures are enjoyable nevertheless, exercising hands or no.

Name: Mr. David Wong Kai Mann
Subject: Fundamentals Of Marketing (FOM) [Tutorial]
Review: Hahahaha! Lessons are always very "cold". Humour is abundant. But that keeps us coming back for more! Heheh.

Name: Ms. Hui Kam Lin
Subject: Introduction to Communication Principles (ICP)
Review: The videos are nice... Lectures may be a bit sleepy though. Nevertheless, managed to get ALL important points down. Mass media theories, communication principles, perception, self image... Whoa! Sounds technical. But we learnt it all.

Name: Ms. Doris Nga
Subject: Desktop Publishing (DTP)
Review: Our very own PTN for year 1!!! Haha, how NOT to like Ms. Nga? Always cracks witty remarks during class and taught us how to "denature" people's images. Hahahahaha. Denaturement. Designing stuff rocks I guess. ;)

Name: Ms. Chng Suan Tze
Subject: Creative Communication (CC)
Review: Hahahaha! Euphemisms! Upright citizen, horizontal jogging. Never ever had a lesson like that before (Arisya, it's okay to blush). Writing skills, drama, script writing. Coolness.

(Photo unavailable)
Name: Ms. Kan Sheryll Lynn
Subject: Oral Communication (OC)
Review: Uh, presentations? Don't really like to dress formally though... Uh, guess that's it.

Well, haha. Did the student evaluation feedback on the tutors today, so thought I'd publish how I feel about our 'chers in school. Hahahaha! next I should do somethign similar but with my classmates' pictures, eh?


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