Thursday, August 18, 2005


Ah well, thought heck, might as well heck it and update my blog. Been awhile eh? No, everything's, uh, okay over here. I just haven't been in the mood for stuff... Oh well.

Firstly, the thank you notes:
FOM project group - Yo! Have a lot to owe to ya guys. Thanks for all the encouragement (hope the promo strategy by me is sufficient...) and the working together to complete the project on time and doing a great job. Am proud to work with you guys and think we made a great team. Thanks! :D
Weijie - Thanks for staying up late to finish your part and doing the compilation and printing
Kamesh - Thanks for helping to summarise everything
See Jun - Thanks for helping to cut out the parts and shrink our report to the 11 pages
Ifah - Thank you for all the humour that you've provided throughout the time we have done the project and coming down to Sakae with us
* Sorry if the colours I used do not match your favourite colours (not applicable to See Jun!). Tell me what yer fav colour is and I will gladly change it for you.
Also, to Carol. Thanks for the advice and encouragement. :D

Right. So today we had our FOM. Sad... I got my first "L" on the attendance list, cause I was late for the lecture. Change that to "late". The bus took so long to arrive, didn't help that
1) I missed a 74
2) the other buses didn't come down the road
3) two 74s had already bunched up (2 arrived at the same time) and it isn't very far from the Buona Vista terminal too!

Okay, whatever... I shall take it that I should leave my house promptly BEFORE the 40th minute of the hour so that I will get to classes and lectures on time. :D Heh.

After school, we (Arisya, Ifah, Zhili, Zhao Jie, Shaun) raided Weijie's house. Uhm, yeah, Weijie, thanks for letting me go and, yeah, thanks for the first-time stuff too... If you know what I mean, haha. Had pizza, so, I guess the anti-fast food month is over? If so, damn! I gave in after 2 weeks... I wanna last a month sometime. :D Cheers.

In summation, yesterday went to ICP tutorial late... Kam Lin made me do one of the mass media theories on my own. Kinda embarrassing cause I got the application wrong and she like said "You will get ZERO marks for that!". More so cause I wasn't in a group and I knew the answer was solely mine, and hence, I Do NOT understand the theory properly... Sigh... Oh well, advantage is that I know I do not understand the theory. Have to go review that now. Never wake up late again. Am going to make sure I get to DTP on time tomorrow, so good night. :D

*Sorry if there are numerous spelling mistakes, I am typing in white on a white background cause the colours have been messed up.


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