Thursday, August 18, 2005

One life, live it

Okay, I know sounds corny that I took that line from M1, but now I think it holds a lot of meaning. Let me open with another phrase, "Live, and let live". Dunno where that came from (Boner, is it you?)...

Anyway, today is... Weird. Shan't expand. but have been thinking of that roller coaster in Berjaya times Square, KL. Okay, I've decided, one life to enjoy, heck, I'm gonna pluck up the courage and go ride it. L, next time eh? Right, one life to experience everything, I shouldn't hold back. And if I don't go on it, I would look back and ask myself "Why didn't you ever go on that thing you coward?!".

Shaun, that Numa Numa song is in my head! Oooooh... Next time don't play it too many times. Heh. Out.


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